Yuka Kikumoto Designs Blog

ceramic designer maker 陶芸デザイナー作家のブログ


Ceramic at Art Schools in United Kingdom

My bible ceramic magagine called “Ceramic Review” isuue 270(November/December 2014) provided ceramic school in United Kingdom. I copied the name of list in blow.

私のバイブルであるイギリスの陶芸雑誌「Ceramic Review」270号(2014年11月&12月号)でこの国の陶芸を学べる大学院、大学、専門学校が紹介されてましたので、名前をリストアップして見ました。

1. Aberystwyth University

2. Barnfield  College

3.Bath Spa University

4.Belfast School of Arts, University Of Ulster

5.Birmigham City University

6.Bradford School of Arts & Media, Bradford College

7.Buckinghamshire New University

8.Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London

9.Canterbury Christ Church University

10.Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff School of Art & Design(CSAD)

11.The Cass, London Metropolitan University

12.Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London

13.Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London

14.City Lit

15.Colchester Institute

16.Coleg Sir Gar- Carmarthenshire College

17.Cornwall College

18.De Montfort University

19.Falmonth University

20.Glyndwr University

21.Gray’s School of Arts, Robert Gordon University

22.Heart of Worcestershire College

23.Kengington & Chelsea College

24.Liverpool Hope University

25. Manchester School of Arts, Manchester Metropolitan University

26.Newcastle College

27.North Warwickshire & Hinckley College

28.Nottingham Trent University

29.Plymonth College of Art

30.Plymonth University

31.The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts

32.Royal College of Art

33.Sotheby’s Institute of Art

34.South Devon College

35.Staffordshire University

36.Sussex Coast College Hastings

37.University of Brighton

38.University Campus Barnsley

39.University Campus Suffolk (Lowestoft)

40.University of Central Lancashire

41.University Centre Doncaster

42.University of Chester

43. University for the Creative Arts, Farnham

44.University of Hertfordshire

45.University of South Wales

46.University of Sanderland

47.University of Wales Trinity Saint David

48.University of Westminster

49. University of Wolverhampton

50.West Dean College

51.West Herts College

When I applied Ceramic course in UK, I didn’t know so many schools I could study Ceramics. If you are thinking to go to UK to study Ceramics, you might go to school’s website and check more detail such as alumni and professor works.




Everywhere in UK is already Christmas mood. I went to Nottingham for ice skating. I found reindeers in the town with a sled. They have adorable eyes.



There are lots of Christmas markets in the town with so many people. We ate Boar meat and Venison hamburgers. They are unexpected good taste.

町中はクリスマスマーケットで、人がいっぱい。マーケットではBoar meat(イノシシの肉)のハンバーガーや、Venison(鹿の肉)のハンバーガーを売っていたので食べてみましたが意外に美味しい。

IMG_4679 IMG_4674 IMG_4660

I hadn’t ice skated for 20 years. It was so difficult to skate, I walked on ice actually. Small kids hold Penguin’s statue and skate with it. You can ice skate until 24th December, 2014.
